We’re content to see you! Welcome Enna to the Content team!

15 Aug 2021

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Megan Boyle

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With a growing SEO agency, comes a growing content team! Joining the ranks as a new Digital Content Executive is Enna Tomlinson. A self-confessed word geek, Enna has quite a few strings to her bow… Find out her talents, work soundtrack, and dream client in this fun, get-to-know-you-more Q&A.

First (and honest) impressions of TAL Agency and everyone in it?

When I set foot into the office, I was met with an array of welcoming faces and the sound of laughter, which immediately put my first-day nerves at ease. For me, a great culture is one of the most important assets that a company can offer, so that’s what sets TAL Agency apart from the rest. You can just tell that everyone here loves what they do and actually enjoy coming into work (strange, I know…), so there’s never been a dull moment. 

Describe TAL Agency in three words

Weird, (but) wonderful and vibrant. 

What did you do previously?

After graduating, I immediately entered into the world of recruitment. I was one of those annoying people that called you numerous times in a friendly attempt to help grow your business, but recruiters honestly aren’t as bad as people make them out to be. As hard as it was to smash the phones all day every day, it really boosted my confidence and gave me a thick skin. 

Thoughts on agency life so far?

The clients that we work with are so varied, so there’s never a day, or project, that feels the same as the last. It’s really allowed me to get creative with my writing, adapting my style and tone of voice for each task. With a portfolio of clients to impress, you can really feel the energy that radiates from the office, due to the fast-paced nature of agencies, so I really wouldn’t have it any other way. 

So, what exactly do you do here?

I’m a Digital Content Executive, so I’m a bit of a word geek. My role involves writing valuable and commercially-focused content for a diverse range of clients (and I mean diverse) with aims to drive their website traffic. Every business wants to stay relevant, so our content team is constantly discovering new ways to transform an audience into customers through both captivating and engaging blog posts. 

What motivates you in your work?

Sitting amongst a high-energy, passionate bunch really motivates me to grow. Our teams work together in tandem and celebrate everyone’s achievements, and there’s always such a buzz when we start to see our clients get the results they’ve been longing for. 

What’s the best part of your working day?

A good old energetic brainstorming session is my favourite, as it’s amazing to feel exciting ideas come together. Everyone bounces off each other during these sessions, and it really motivates me to go forth and write some top-quality content. The free sweets you get for brainfood aren’t too bad either. 

What are you looking forward to at TAL Agency?

I’m really looking forward to working with brand-new clients and taking my content writing abilities to the next level. At some point, I would absolutely love to share my new-found knowledge with others at large networking events. I’ve never done public speaking before, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. 

Who would be your dream clients?

Due to my volunteer work as a sustainable fashion content writer, I’m going to have to say Lucy & Yak. They’re a brilliant, eco-friendly fashion brand who has (thankfully) become increasingly popular over the past few months. Having the chance to work with them would be amazing and I’d feel like I’m doing my bit for the environment too! 

Who do you look up to in your industry?

I absolutely love the @girlsinmarketing Instagram account, as it really helped me when I first started my journey into the industry. To help other people that were once in my position, feeling the stresses of embarking down a new path, would be my dream. There are so many resources out there to help you build your skills in ways that may seem more exciting than simply reading a book, so I’m thankful that these types of educational accounts exist. 

Favourite TV show?

In all honesty, I’m much more of a film girl, but if I had to choose, I’d say Peep Show. I have a weird sense of humour. 

What does your work soundtrack look like?

I love pick-me-up tunes, so I always end up reverting back to my trusty 70s/80s disco playlist. It gives me the energy I need to keep on writing. 

What’s one power you wish you had?

To teleport, for when I’m having a sloth day. Wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of a lie-in too and not have to worry about the pains of public transport. 

Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, tell us about it

I once met Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes in London a few years ago, back when they were every 15-year-old girl’s favourite people to watch on YouTube. I pretended I’d never heard of them before and played it cool, but who didn’t watch Vlogmas?! 

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I’ve always been a green queen, and was mesmerised by flowers and florists when I was younger. I always thought being an interior designer or an artist would be pretty cool too, so basically anything that allows me to get creative was (and still is) right up my street. 

What’s your favourite animal and why?

My first ever pet was a hamster, so they’ve had a special place in my heart ever since. 

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I’m a bit of a music genius; I’m a Grade 6 pianist and practising bass guitarist. 

What’s your brew order?

An Earl Grey that’s been brewed for two minutes, along with half a sugar and a dash of milk. 

You’re having a dinner party with any three people from history, dead or alive, who do you invite?

Gustav Klimt, Henry Matisse and Claude Debussy. I’m really into abstract art and classical music, so it would be brilliant to have a chat with them to uncover the secrets behind their success. 

You’re going to a deserted island, what three things do you take with you?

A sleeping bag, fishing rod and lighter. That’s my sensible answer. 

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Madonna… She’s still one of my all-time favourite music artists. 

So one key thing to take away from our new Digital Content Executive’s answers is to get an office piano. And that dinner party sounds very cultured indeed. Enna’s already been writing up some creative content for our clients, and we can’t wait for more! 

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