How to put together an incredible digital PR campaign

20 Aug 2022

Digital PR

Megan Boyle

Megan Boyle

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What is a PR campaign?

Before delving into the ins and outs of how to develop an all round incredible digital PR campaign, what is actually meant by the phrase? Put simply, a digital PR campaign’s primary purpose is to drive traffic to your website, whether that be by generating awareness about a particular event or through celebrating a milestone. Doing this is likely to transform a curious audience into loyal customers, which is exactly what you need to ensure growth – a prospect that any business dreams about. So, if you’re keen to start seeing some real results, and you’re ready to push out your organisation to the masses, here’s exactly what you’ll need to put together a successful PR campaign. 


How to put together a PR campaign


Set your goals 

First things first, you’ll need to set some ambitious, but achievable, goals. For example, is there a new audience that you want to appeal to? Is there a particular product you’re aiming to sell? Do you want to generate awareness about an event? Or maybe there’s some big company news that you’d like to share? You might have multiple reasons for launching a digital PR campaign, but once you’ve noted your goals down, you’ll know exactly what you’ll be working towards. 


Consider how you’ll achieve these goals

After setting some realistic goals for your PR campaign, work out how best to achieve them. More importantly, how much time will you need to achieve each one? And how will you go about measuring results? Organisation is key for any successful campaign, so ensure that you have all the resources and time you need to get the job done efficiently. 


Appealing to your target audience

Make sure that you plan your digital PR campaign around your target audience, considering whether this is something that they’d actually want to read. From the tone used to the product itself, how can you show your audience that your business is worth investing in? For example, if you’re appealing to the elderely, writing that appeals to Gen Z readers isn’t necessarily going to entice them. If you’re appealing to a new target audience, you’ll need to adapt your tactics accordingly. 


Make sure your campaign is interesting

After undertaking competitor analysis, how can you make sure that your campaign stands out amongst the masses? And, bringing it back to our previous point, why should your target audience care? If, for example, your business has been lucky enough to win an award, how can you encourage them to keep reading? For example, you winning this award could be a great way to upsell your services, informing your audience that, if there’s any business they can rely on to get the job done, it’s yours. Let’s just say we’re talking from experience… 


Industry research

Once you’ve found an appropriate, newsworthy topic that’s worth shouting about, you’ll need to conduct some industry research to make sure that your press release will only produce positive results. If there’s a possibility that you could face negative backlash, it’s probably worth either steering clear from the subject completely, or being exceptionally careful with your wording.


Writing an incredible press release

A press release that’s full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, or one that doesn’t immediately jump out of the page isn’t likely to go far – especially considering that journalists will relieve numerous emails each day. Make sure that your press release has a strong news angle, and ensure that you’ve left plenty of time for additional checks. 


Choose your channels

Next up, how will you share your message? And which channels will you use to do this? Whether you choose to send it to a publication that’s relevant to your story and target audience, you’d like to rely on the help of influencers, or you’d rather share it on your company’s social media profile, there are plenty of ways to get the news out there. It just depends on which one you think would work best for you. 


Once you’ve pushed out your message…


Build links

Now that your story is – hopefully – circulating the web, you can boost your website’s domain authority through link building. Set up an alert via Google News so that you won’t need to manually check the press to see when and where your company or campaign has been mentioned. If this is the case, reach out to the journalist who wrote the article or publication and ask them whether they could add any additional links. Reinforce that this could help readers to find out more information, which will, in turn, encourage the journalist to link back to your site. Doing this will boost your website’s domain authority – another factor that will heighten results. 


Follow up with a blog post

A successful PR campaign should increase the number of visits to your website, so why not boost traffic even more with a follow up blog post? In this post, you should highlight details mentioned in your press release, which will allow your audience to learn more about your campaign, along with the helpful services you have to offer. 



Each time you release a new digital PR campaign, take a step back and evaluate the process. What went well? Is there anything you could have done differently? Doing this will allow your next one to be even better than the next, and before you know it, you’ll have a championing campaign that’s guaranteed to elevate your business to the next level. 


Looking for an expert opinion on how to put together an incredible press release? Make the process simpler by relying on the help of our team of digital PR professionals. Backed with years of expertise, they’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your business makes the headlines. Get in touch with us today to find out more!

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